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(解放军信息工程大学信息技术研究所 郑州 中国 450000)
关键词:  拟态防御  动态  异构  冗余  路由器
Dynamic Heterogeneous Redundancy based Router Architecture with Mimic Defenses
MA Hailong,YI Peng,JIANG Yiming,HE Lei
Institute of Information Technology, PLA Information Engineering University, Zhengzhou 450000, China
As a fundamental core element of cyberspace, the security performance of router plays a decisive significance in network security. However, the closeness, specificity and complexity of router lead to more loopholes and make backdoors hidden deeper. Currently, defense means of router are passive, which is "mend the fold after the sheep have been stolen"-like. Such defense means is not only hysteretic but also helpless against unknown security threats. Based on mimicry defense technology, heterogeneous redundancy function entities are introduces to the architecture of router. With dynamic scheduling mechanism, multiple heterogeneous execution entities are randomly selected to work. Under the same external motivations, by comparing the output of heterogeneous executing entities and conducting anomaly detection on heterogeneous executing entities, the routing system could perform active defense. Experimental results show that this architecture can significantly increase the attack difficulty in every step of the attack chain, increase the cost of attacks, and can withstand attacks based on unknown vulnerabilities and backdoors.
Key words:  Mimic defense  Dynamic  Heterogeneous  Redundancy  Router