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(北京航空航天大学 数学与系统科学学院, 北京 中国 100191;北京航空航天大学 网络空间安全学院, 北京 中国 100191)
关键词:  区块链  假名性  公平合同签署协议  隐私保护  混淆服务
A Multi-Party Privacy Preserving Fair Contract Signing Protocol based on Blockchains
WU Jinxi,GAO Ying,ZHANG Zongyang,YIN Dapeng
School of Mathematics and Systems Sciences, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China;School of Cyber Science and Technology, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China
Traditional fair contract signing protocols need a centralized trusted third party (TTP) to ensure the fairness of the protocols. When the third party becomes dishonest and colludes with one participant, it is unfair for the other participant. Meanwhile, the third party may reveal sensitive information from the participants, which is a great threat to the privacy of the participants. Therefore, the fairness and privacy are dependent on the reliability of the third party. Using blockchain technology, fair contract signing protocols can be decentralized to achieve fairness. It poses new challenges to the privacy issues since anyone can access and verify a public blockchain. In the existing privacy preserving fair contract signing protocol based on public blockchain, the secret information shared by the participants is used to encrypt the contract information and the public keys so as to conceal the true identity information in the participants’ digital certificates. However, in the commit phase of the protocol, two deposits would probably reveal the identity information of the participants because of the pseudonymity in the blockchain. For maximum protection of participants’ privacy, this paper uses the coin mixing technique, which introduces a semi-honest third party to provide the mixing service, and designs a new fair contract signing protocol based on blind verifiably encryption signature scheme. The new protocol allows multi-party contract signers to fulfill the task of fair contract signing on blockchain, and protects not only the privacy contents related to the contract but also the privacy of identities of contract signers.
Key words:  blockchain  pseudonymity  fair contract signing protocol  privacy preserving  mixing service