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(中国银联 上海 中国 201201;电子商务与电子支付国家工程实验室 上海 中国 201201)
关键词:  区块链  智能合约  跨境汇款
Cross-broder Remittance Tracing Platform Based on Fabric
ZHU Tao,YAO Xiang,XU Yuzhuang,ZHOU Yu
China UnionPay, Shanghai 201201, China;National Engineering Laboratory of E-Commerce and E-Payment, Shanghai 201201, China
With the characteristics of distributed system architecture of blockchain, a cross-broder remittance tracing platform based on Fabric has been designed and developed, aiming to solve the problem of inconveniences in real-time information query in the “MoneyExpress” scenario. The platform enables the information flow of remittance to be shared and stored so that not to be tampered. Meanwhile, the permission control and data privacy are also considered in the platform. As is shown from the results of functional and performance test, the platform can meet the needs of “Money Express”, and it can also effectively improve the transparency of the business, optimize the organization's business processes, reduce manual operation, increase efficiency and improve the user experience. This practice will lay the foundation for the joint venture to explore the cross-border financial application of blockchain.
Key words:  blockchain  smart contract  cross border payment