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(西安交通大学 智能网络与网络安全教育部重点实验室 西安 中国 710049)
关键词:  智能电网  分布式电源  信息-物理攻击  振荡攻击  攻击检测
Oscillation Attack Modelling and Detection with Penetration of Distributed Energy Resources in Smart Grid
LIU Yang,GUI Yuhong,AN Dou,GUAN Xiaohong,LIU Ting
Ministry of Education Key Lab for Intelligent Networks and Network Security, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China
The increasing distributed renewable resources (DERs) will introduce more vulnerabilities to smart grids. In this scenario, attackers can change the power output of DERs in the distribution network, and finally disturb the secure operation of crucial devices such as generators in the transmission network. To secure the operation safety and stability in smart grids, it is necessary to study the threats and relevant defense strategies under the scenario with high penetration of DERs. First, a novel attack model is proposed based on power system dynamics model, which could can cause power system oscillation with minimal attack costs via coordinated control of DERs maliciously. Second, in consideration of current oscillation detection algorithms' limitations, a heuristic attack detection method is proposed. The simulation-based case studies demonstrate that the proposed attack could threat power system operational safety with minimal costs, and the detection method can effectively locate the real attack sources.
Key words:  smart grid  distributed energy resources (DERs)  cyber-physical attack  oscillation attack  attack detection