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(阿里巴巴 杭州 中国 310027)
关键词:  深度学习  深度伪造  检测  双流网络
A Deepfakes detection technique based on two-stream network
LI Xurong,YU Kun
Alibaba Group, Hangzhou 310027, China
With the rapid development of deep learning technology, Deep forgery techniques, such as Deepfakes, are beginning to fill every corner of the Internet. By utilizing the generative adversarial networks and auto-encoder technology, the Deepfakes replace faces and tamper with facial expressions easily. The Deepfakes can produce fake pornography, spread rumors, spread fake news, and even influence political elections, leading to disastrous social consequences. However, the detection technology for this kind of fake videos is still far behind the generation technology, and the existing works have some limitations. This paper first summarizes the existing generation and detection works, and analyzes the defects of the existing works, then we propose the two-stream network detection framework based on the EfficientNet. By testing on a large open source dataset, FaceForensics++, our detection method was able to detect fake videos with an average accuracy of over 99%, and improve the ability of the model to resist compression to a certain extent.
Key words:  deep learning  deepfakes  detection  two-stream networks