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(中国科学院信息工程研究所 北京 中国 100093;中国科学院大学网络空间安全学院 北京 中国 100049)
关键词:  网络空间安全  安全情报  知识图谱  信息抽取  本体构建  知识推理
Knowledge Graph for Cyberspace Security Intelligence: A Survey
DONG Cong,JIANG Bo,LU Zhigang,LIU Baoxu,LI Ning,MA Pingchuan,JIANG Zhengwei,LIU Junrong
Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, China;School of Cyber Security, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
With the increasingly prominent application and role of cyberspace security intelligence in cybercrime, cyberwarfare, and network counter-terrorism, it's urgent to intensive study the basic theories and effective extraction methods of cyberspace security intelligence. At present, security intelligence mainly faces the problems of diverse data types, discrete distribution, and inconsistent content. Therefore, the knowledge graph technology framework is introduced to improve the security intelligence, which aims at using the knowledge graph to solve the problem of the information collection and processing integration of massive data, improving the collection efficiency and intelligence quality of security intelligence. This paper first briefly reviews the research status of security intelligence and knowledge graph, and shows the application cases of the knowledge graph of security intelligence in intelligence analysis. Second, it summarizes the framework for building a knowledge graph of security intelligence. Then, it introduces the key technologies for the construction of security knowledge graph, including information extraction, ontology construction and knowledge reasoning. Finally, the issues facing the development of security intelligence knowledge maps are discussed.
Key words:  cyber security  security intelligence  knowledge graph  information extraction  ontology construction  knowledge inference