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(中国科学院信息工程研究所 北京 中国 100093;中国科学院大学 北京 中国 100049)
为实现对特定区域电磁空间的有效监管,本文建立针对无线通信信号的唯一识别及标定机制,利用无线通信信号调制方式、发射机器件一致性及通信协议等多种因素造成的信号差异,构建表征无线通信信号完备差异信息的指纹集,并引入信息增益评价机制评估指纹集中各特征对差异信息的贡献度,建立精简有效的电磁指纹。在此基础上,设计基于支持向量机的指纹匹配算法,实现无线通信信号身份的有效识别。仿真实验结果表明,本文方法在接收信噪比大于4 dB时可实现特定区域电磁空间内无线通信信号身份的有效识别。
关键词:  无线通信信号  指纹  信息增益  身份识别
Fingerprint construction and identity recognition of Wireless signal based on information gain
HUANG Weiqing,YANG Zhaoyang,WEI Dong,ZHANG Meng,WANG Wen,YE Bin
Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
With the question of supervising of the special electromagnetic space. This paper aims to construct the unique identity of the wireless signal. Through fusing the wireless signal difference features caused by modulation type, device uniformity and communication protocol, the fingerprint set of wireless signal is constructed. Meanwhile, aiming at evaluating the fingerprint contribution degree to identity recognition of signal and constructing refined and valid fingerprint set, this paper introduces into the information gain to evaluate every fingerprint’s degree to identity recognition and support vector machine (SVM) method to match refined fingerprint subset. Simulation and experiment results show that, this paper’s fingerprint set method can effectively distinguish the identity of different wireless signal in special electromagnetic space under the condition that the signal-noise ratio is larger than 4 dB.
Key words:  wireless signal  fingerprint  information gain  identity recognition