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(华中科技大学电子信息与通信学院 武汉 中国 430074)
关键词:  复杂网络  网络弹性  网络保护  网络恢复  基础设施网络
Network Resilience and Recovery Mechanism: A Review
LIU Qingxia,WANG Bang
Department of Electronic Information and Communications, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan 430074, China
Network performance suffers from failures of network elements, like nodes' and edges' failures, due to internal malfunctions and/or external attacks. Even worse, failures may propagate in the network, leading to destruction of network topology. Network resilience has been recently proposed to describe the network recovery capability for restoring the network functionalities and structures in cases of elements' failures. This article first introduces some related concepts about network failure and network resilience. For different network types and failure modes, researchers have proposed and analyzed a variety of network recovery mechanisms to enhance network resilience, which can be divided into two groups:spontaneous recovery and directional recovery. In each group, we analyze the main recovery approaches and characteristics in the literature. We also introduce the applications of network recovery in real-world infrastructure networks; finally, some future research directions are discussed.
Key words:  complex network  network resilience  network protection  network recovery  infrastructure network