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(东北大学软件学院 沈阳 中国 110819)
关键词:  社交推荐  生成对抗网络  负采样
Adversarial Sampling for Social Recommender
ZHAO Yu,GUO Guibing,JIANG Linying
School of Software, University of Northeastern, Shenyang 110819, China
The recommendation system uses the user's historical records, basic information of items and other datas to capture the user's preferences, effectively alleviating the problem of information overload. Although the recommendation technology has been widely used, the dilemma in the recommendation tasks still exist. Among them, the problem of data sparsity has a significant impact on the recommendation performance. In recent years, a large number of studies have shown that the recommendation algorithm using social information can effectively relieve data sparsity, yet they still suffer from some limitations. Online social networks are very sparse, and social friends usually include classmates, colleagues, relatives and so on. Therefore, the users who have explicit friends relationship may not have similar preferences. That is, directly using explicit social ties for recommendation will result in some noise problems. In addition, most algorithms based on implicit feedback usually sample items which users have not interacted with, and then treat those items as negative samples for items that the users really like, so that optimizing the model. However, the items that the users had no interaction with do not represent the users dislike them, so this coarse-grained sampling schema ignores the real preferences of users, and also brings a certain amount of noise. Given the fact that Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have been widely used in recommendation systems because of their strong robustness and capability to capture complex data distribution in the adversarial training process nowadays, this paper tries our best to propose a fine-grained adversarial sampling recommendation model (ASGAN) based on generative adversarial network to alleviate the influence of the noises, including a generator and a discriminator. The generator first initializes the social network using a special graph embedding technique, and generates a friend with similar preferences for the user, then simultaneously generates an item the user likes and an item the user dislikes from the items the friend likes. And the discriminator tries to distinguish the item the user actually interacted with and the two items generated by the generator. With the adversarial training, the generator can be more efficient for social friend sampling and item sampling, and the discriminator can capture the real preferences distribution of users well. Finally, compared with six existing works on the three real-world datasets, the experimental results show that ASGAN has better recommendation performance and effectively alleviates the influence of noises caused by social information and item sampling schema through the reconstruction of social networks and the fine-grained sampling schema.
Key words:  social recommendation  generative adversarial nets  negative samping