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(西安邮电大学网络空间安全学院 西安 中国 710121;西安邮电大学无线网络安全技术国家工程实验室 西安 中国 710121)
关键词:  代理重加密  属性加密  访问策略  动态更新  离线加密
Dynamically Updatable Attribute Based Proxy Re-encryption Scheme in Cloud
YANG Geng,GUO Rui,ZHUANG Chaoyuan,WANG Xutao
School of Cyberspace Security, Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications, Xi'an 710121, China;National Engineering Laboratory for Wireless Security, Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications, Xi'an 710121, China
Proxy re-encryption is the operation of ciphertext conversion under the premise of ensuring the security of the re-encryption authorizer's private key, which realizes the dynamic sharing of data in cloud. In the attribute-based proxy re-encryption scheme, the agent can re-encrypt the ciphertext in the access policy into the ciphertext in different access policies without revealing the plaintext data to complete the encrypted data security outsourcing calculations. The existing attribute proxy re-encryption scheme only realizes the update and transformation of the ciphertext policy. That has the shortcomings of low practicability and large amount of calculation. In order to meet the dynamically updatable of user permissions and the problem that users cannot provide decryption capabilities to others after offline in traditional attribute encryption systems, this paper proposes a dynamically updateable attribute-based proxy re-encryption scheme in cloud. By adding user set information into system public parameters and using attribute revocation technology, the dynamic update of user set and attribute set is implemented to ensure the dynamic update of user permissions. The scheme meets the characteristics of one-way, non-interaction, non-transitivity, non-transferability and verifiability. In addition, the offline encryption technology is used to divide the encryption operation into two steps, and a large number of auxiliary calculations are performed in the offline phase, which reduces the computational overhead of online encryption at the user's client. At the same time, acceptor can verify the proxy re-encrypted ciphertext to prevent data from being damaged by a third party. In terms of security, under the standard model and the q-parallel bilinear Diffie-Hellman assumption, it is proved that this scheme has the indistinguishability of ciphertext under the selected plaintext attack and can resist the collusion attack. Finally, through the efficiency analysis, it is found that the online encryption stage of this scheme has a small amount of calculation and the user's key and ciphertext storage overhead is low, which has better practicability.
Key words:  proxy re-encryption  attribute encryption  access policy  dynamically updatable  offline encryption