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(浙江工业大学网络安全研究院 杭州 中国 310023;浙江工业大学信息工程学院 杭州 中国 310023)
关键词:  深度学习  补丁攻击  物理攻击  对抗防御
A general defense method for physical space patch adversarial attacks
XIANG Yun,HAN Ruixin,CHEN Zuohui,LI Xiangyu,XU Dongwei
Institute of Cyberspace Security, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China;College of Information Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China
The deep learning based object detection algorithms have been widely used in many modern industry areas. However, recent research progress suggests that they are quite vulnerable to various adversarial attacks, which can greatly reduce the performance of deep learning models. Attaching an adversarial patch in the digital or physical space can make the attacked object “disappear” from the object detector. Therefore, patches generated by the adversarial attacks can cause major security risks to the deep learning models, e.g., automatic driving and intelligent camera evasion etc. Fortunately, those adversarial patches typically have very distinct features, e.g., rich colors, drastic changes, and hence, plenty of high frequency information. In this work, by tanking advantage of these features of the patches, we propose a mask based defense method for patch attack that utilizes fast Fourier transform, which can quickly locate the adversarial patch in the physical space. Specifically, we first divide the testing images into multiple pixel blocks. Then we use fast Fourier transformation and binaryzation to extract and process the high frequency information in each block. The blocks containing more high frequency components are masked. Finally, the masked images are re-processed using the original detection algorithm. In that case, the detected patch is consequently located and neutralized, and the hidden objects can be detected afterwards. This defense method is not related to the model or adversarial patch generation methods. It can be used as a general method against all similar adversarial patches. In our experiment, we use two widely used object detection algorithms in physical space to evaluate the performance of our technique. The experimental results show a defense success rate of more than 94% in three commonly used data sets, which is 6% higher than the state of art method. This results demonstrate the effectiveness of our techniques in real-world scenarios.
Key words:  deep learning  patch attack  physical attack  adversarial defense