  • 薛晖,孙波,司成祥,张伟,房婧.跨社交网络用户身份链接回顾与展望[J].信息安全学报,已采用    [点击复制]
  • xuehui,sunbo,sichengxiang,zhangwei,fangjing.Advance in user identity linkage across online social networks[J].Journal of Cyber Security,Accept   [点击复制]
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薛晖1, 孙波2, 司成祥2, 张伟2, 房婧2
关键词:  社交网络  用户身份链接  账号关联  锚链接预测  用户画像
Advance in user identity linkage across online social networks
xuehui1, sunbo2, sichengxiang2, zhangwei2, fangjing2
Nowadays, online social networks(OSNs) have become popular and diverse. To make better use of the services offered by each OSN, people tend to join a number of OSNs. User identity linkage across OSNs is the task of accurately link accounts corresponding to the same natural person in multiple OSNs. We can deeply understand user interests and greatly enrich user profile by user identity linkage, or use it in digital marketing and recommendation system. In this paper, we classify and analyze the existing user identity linkage methods according to feature type, and discuss existing problems and chal-lenges. We also summarize the datasets and evaluation indicators used by existing methods, then analyze why public agreed datasets are rare. Finally we look forward to the future research trend of user identity linkage. This paper proposes a general definition of user identity linkage, compares and analyzes existing methods of user identity linkage, discusses existing problems and looks forward to future research trend, to analyze and display current situation and future of user identity linkage in a clear and structured way, which is helpful for researchers to form a systematic understanding and grasp of the related research in this domain, so as to further make more in-depth research work.
Key words:  online social network  user identity linkage  account association  anchor link prediction  user profile