  • 阳德青,夏西,叶琳,薛吕欣,肖仰华.知识驱动的推荐系统:现状与展望[J].信息安全学报,2021,6(5):35-51    [点击复制]
  • YANG Deqing,XIA Xi,YE Lin,XUE Lyuxin,XIAO Yanghua.Knowledge-enhanced Recommender Systems: A Survey and Prospect[J].Journal of Cyber Security,2021,6(5):35-51   [点击复制]
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阳德青1,2, 夏西1, 叶琳1, 薛吕欣1, 肖仰华3,2
(1.复旦大学大数据学院 上海 中国 200433;2.复旦爱数认知智能联合研究中心 上海 中国 200433;3.复旦大学计算机科学技术学院 上海 中国 200433)
关键词:  推荐系统  知识图谱  嵌入表示  深度学习  认知智能
Knowledge-enhanced Recommender Systems: A Survey and Prospect
YANG Deqing1,2, XIA Xi1, YE Lin1, XUE Lyuxin1, XIAO Yanghua3,2
(1.School of Data Science, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China;2.FUDAN-AISHU Recognitive Intelligence Research Center, Shanghai 200433, China;3.School of Computer Science, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China)
Personalized recommender systems can provide users with their expected internet resources automatically, rapidly and precisely, based on users' preferences and demands. As the broadly applied information retrieval systems in the big data era, personalized recommender systems have shown great commercial values in various applications. In recent years, the knowledge engineering of big data which takes knowledge graph (KGs) as representative, has become the hot spot in the communities of both industry and academic, thanks to the sharp increasement of the big data on Web, as well as the rapid development and popularization of artificial intelligence technologies. It also promotes recommender systems to step into the phase of being driven and enabled by knowledge. With the rich knowledge in KGs used as valuable side information, the inevitable problems harming traditional recommender systems, such as data sparsity and semantic mismatch, can be addressed well. Moreover, the knowledge is helpful to generate diverse and explainable recommendation results, as well as achieve cross-domain and sequential recommendation. As a result, user experiences in various real recommendation scenarios are enhanced. In this paper, we classify the existing recommendation models incorporating KGs at first, according to their algorithm design and applied recommendation scenarios (tasks), to construct a scientific and reasonable taxonomy. Specifically, according to recommendation algorithm design, we divide the KG-based recommendation models into the class based on feature representation and the class based on graph topology. For recommendation scenarios, we specially focus on diversified recommendation, explainable recommendation, sequential recommendation and cross-domain recommendation. Next, we introduce some representative works respectively for each category, and briefly compare their characteristics including advantages and disadvantages. Furthermore, inspired by the current trend of artificial intelligence technologies and various applications, we also try to forecast the development trend of recommender systems with cognitive intelligence. To be specific, these future recommender systems include the systems built with multimodal knowledge and common sense, as well as the explainable, persuasive and polemical recommender systems. The survey and prospect in this paper can provide constructive preferences for future work in the research field of recommender systems.
Key words:  recommender system  knowledge graph  embedding  deep learning  cognitive intelligence