  • 张磊,许弘可,肖超恩,王建新,郑玉崝.基于进程代数的SP网络结构密码形式化设计研究[J].信息安全学报,已采用    [点击复制]
  • ZHANG Lei,XU Hongke,XIAO Chaoen,WANG Jianxin,ZHENG Yuzheng.Research on Formal Design of SP Network Cipher based on Process Algebra[J].Journal of Cyber Security,Accept   [点击复制]
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张磊, 许弘可, 肖超恩, 王建新, 郑玉崝
关键词:  MCL元密码语言,形式化设计,SP网络结构密码,进程代数,TANGRAM
Research on Formal Design of SP Network Cipher based on Process Algebra
ZHANG Lei, XU Hongke, XIAO Chaoen, WANG Jianxin, ZHENG Yuzheng
In view of the problem that subjectivity and inconsistency in the design and implementation of traditional Substitu-tion-Permutation (SP) network structure cryptographic algorithms, which mainly rely on the designer's experience and manual implementation, this paper proposes a formal design method based on process algebra to describe the structure of SP network cipher algorithms from the component level. Firstly, the design principles of MCL (MetaCrypto Language) oriented to cryptographic algorithm development are proposed, which lays a foundation for the subsequent formal de-scription.. Secondly, through the analysis of the characteristics of SP network structure cryptography algorithm, four components based on process algebra are proposed based on process algebra, and the use of the four components in de-signing SP network structure ciphers is explained, which is used to formally design and describe SP structure ciphers. Finally, the formal models of TANGRAM cryptography algorithm and SM4 cryptography algorithm are established by using the formal design method, and the key difficulties and technical challenges of formal model design in dealing with complex SP network structure cryptographic algorithms are described. Based on the formal model, MCL model of cipher algorithm is built, which provides a solid theoretical support for the design of block cipher algorithm based on MCL. The correctness is verified by MetaCrypto platform. The verification results show that the design and implementation of lightweight TANGRAM encryption algorithm can be realized based on this method. At the same time, the SP network structure in SM4 cryptographic algorithm can be modeled and implemented correctly. Compared with traditional design methods, formal design methods are superior to traditional design methods in terms of systematicness, accuracy, maintainability and applicability. The proposed design method not only provides a solid theoretical foundation for the design process of SP network structure cryptography, ensuring systematic and accurate design, but also offers an innovative path for the formal design of cryptographic algorithms.
Key words:  MetaCrypto Language, Formal Design, SP Network Cipher, Process Algebra, TANGRAM