Volume 3,Issue 2,2018 Table of Contents

Other Issues:  


A Survey of Security Deficiencies in Design and Implementation of HTTPS/TLS
  WEI Junlin, DUAN Haixin and WAN Tao
  Published June 1, 2018
  2018,3(2):1-15 [Abstract]  [View PDF(806.19 K)]
Delegation Transparency for HTTPS with CDNs
  WANG Ze, LI Wenqiang and CAI Quanwei
  Published June 1, 2018
  2018,3(2):16-30 [Abstract]  [View PDF(721.43 K)]
An Identity-Based Online/Offline Encryption Scheme without Key Escrow
  HE Nengqiang, LI Ye and ZHANG Hua
  Published June 1, 2018
  2018,3(2):31-40 [Abstract]  [View PDF(896.52 K)]
Research Progress of Photo Privacy-Preserving Mechanisms in Online Social Network
  LI Fenghua, SUN Zhe, LV Mengfan and NIU Ben
  Published June 1, 2018
  2018,3(2):41-61 [Abstract]  [View PDF(4.00 M)]
An Improved Privacy-Aware Dummy Location Selection Scheme in LBSs
  WU Di, ZHANG Yu, LIU Yinlong, MA Wei, ZHU Dali and SUN Xin
  Published June 1, 2018
  2018,3(2):62-75 [Abstract]  [View PDF(1.32 M)]
Research On the Resource Security Management Mechanism for Trusted Cloud Computing
  LI Baohui, LI Bin, REN Wang, YANG Guang, WANG Yongtao, DU Yuge and ZHANG Peng
  Published June 1, 2018
  2018,3(2):76-86 [Abstract]  [View PDF(661.19 K)]
Cyber Security in Blockchain: Threats and Countermeasures
  FANG Weidong, ZHANG Wuxiong, PAN Tao, CHEN Wei and YANG Yang
  Published June 1, 2018
  2018,3(2):87-104 [Abstract]  [View PDF(1.06 M)]