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(中山大学 计算机学院, 广州 中国 510000)
过去基于学习用户和物品的表征向量的推荐系统算法在大规模数据中取得了较好的结果。相比早期经典的基于矩阵分解(matrix factorization,MF)的推荐算法,近几年流行的基于深度学习的方法,在稀疏的数据集中具有更好的泛化能力。但许多方法只考虑了二维的评分矩阵信息,或者简单的对各种属性做嵌入表征,而忽略了各种属性之间的内部关系。异构信息网络(heterogeneous information network,HIN)相比同构网络能够存储更加丰富的语义特征。近几年结合异构信息网络与深度学习的推荐系统,通过元路径挖掘关键语义信息的方法成为研究热点。
关键词:  异构信息网络  CP张量分解  深度学习  推荐系统  注意力机制  可解释推荐
Received:April 30, 2021Revised:August 05, 2021
Deep learning recommender system based on tensor decomposition of meta-paths of heterogeneous information networks
XU Ronghai,WANG Changdong
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510000, China
The existing representation learning based recommendation methods have achieved satisfactory results in large-scale data. Compare to the early classical matrix decomposition methods (matrix factorization, MF), the popular deep learning based methods have better generalization capability in sparse data in recent years. However, many methods only consider the two-dimensional scoring matrix information or simply do embedding vectors for various attributes, while ignoring the internal relationships between various attributes. Heterogeneous information networks (HIN) can store richer semantic features than homogeneous networks. In recent years, by combining heterogeneous information networks with deep learning for recommender systems, it becomes a hot research topic to mine key semantic information through meta-paths.
Aiming at mining the relevance between the various auxiliary information and users' preferences, by combining tensor decomposition methods, path information of heterogeneous information networks and deep learning methods, this paper propose a new model called hin-dcf. Firstly, a heterogeneous information network of a specific scene is constructed based on dataset. And a correlation matrix for certain meta-path is generated according to the path information of heterogeneous network. Secondly, after merging the correlation matrices of different meta-paths, a tensor is obtained which contains three dimensions of user, item and meta-path. Then, by the classical tensor decomposition methods, the user, item, and meta-path are mapped into the same dimensional hidden semantic vector space. The hidden semantic vectors obtained by tensor decomposition are used as the initialization of the embedding layer of the deep neural network. Considering the different relevance preferences of different users for different meta-paths, an attention mechanism is incorporated to learn the preference weights of different users, item pairs, for different meta-paths. Experiments show that the hin-dcf model has achieved improvements in terms of both accuracy and convergence speed, and better copes with the sparse data problem. Finally, the possible research directions in the future are proposed.
Key words:  heterogeneous information networks  CP tensor decomposition  deep learning  recommendation system  attention mechanism  explainable recommendation