  • 卫玲蔚,胡斗,鲍祎楠,周薇,杨近朱,虎嵩林.基于时序特征和结构特征的社交网络谣言检测方法[J].信息安全学报,已采用    [点击复制]
  • WEI Lingwei,HU Dou,BAO Yinan,ZHOU Wei,YANG Jinzhu,HU Songlin.Jointly Exploiting Temporal and Structural Features for Rumor Detection on Social Media[J].Journal of Cyber Security,Accept   [点击复制]
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卫玲蔚1,2, 胡斗3, 鲍祎楠1,2, 周薇1, 杨近朱1,2, 虎嵩林1,2
关键词:  谣言检测  时序特征  传播结构特征  门控循环单元  图卷积神经网络  社交网络
Jointly Exploiting Temporal and Structural Features for Rumor Detection on Social Media
WEI Lingwei1,2, HU Dou3, BAO Yinan1,2, ZHOU Wei1, YANG Jinzhu1,2, HU Songlin1,2
(1.Institute of Information Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences;2.School of Cyber Security, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;3.National Computer System Engineering Research Institute of China)
With the rapids development of the social network, more and more people obtain or share information on social network platforms. Unfortunately, the convenient environment of social network platforms also provides rumors a new propaga-tion medium. The existing deep learning-based rumor detection models have been developed based on content character-istics or propagation characteristics including temporal features and structural features. However, most of these models either only model the temporal information in rumor propagation or only focus on the network structure features of rumor propagation to identify rumors, which cannot learn a comprehensive eigenvector representation well and limit the per-formance of rumor detection. Aiming at this problem, we propose a novel rumor detection model, to jointly model both structural features and temporal patterns in the rumor propagation. Accordingly, the model can learn a comprehensive representation of rumor characteristics. In addition, the model can effectively alleviate the time mode distortion caused by pruning. Extensive experiments on three real-world datasets demonstrate that the proposed model can improve the performance of rumor detection.
Key words:  rumor detection  temporal information  propagation structural information  gated recurrent unit  graph convolutional network  social network