  • 周建华,许丽丽,李丰,刘益铭,霍玮.二进制程序语义信息恢复技术研究综述[J].信息安全学报,已采用    [点击复制]
  • zhoujianhua,xulili,lifeng,liuyiming,huowei.A Survey of Semantic Information Recovery in Binary Programs[J].Journal of Cyber Security,Accept   [点击复制]
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周建华, 许丽丽, 李丰, 刘益铭, 霍玮
关键词:  二进制程序  类型推断  控制流  语义信息恢复
A Survey of Semantic Information Recovery in Binary Programs
zhoujianhua, xulili, lifeng, liuyiming, huowei
(Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Semantic information of binary programs, such as variable type, control flow, and functionalities, is the basis of binary program analysis and is essential for improving the accuracy of software vulnerability detection and malicious code detection. However, due to the compilation and stripping processes, and the differences in programming languages, compilers, operating systems and target architectures, the recovery of binary program semantic information can be an extremely challenging task. This paper surveys the technologies for the recovery of binary program semantic information that researchers generally concern about, and summarizes them into three categories: type inference technology based on program data, program structure recognition technology based on code instructions, and program functionality recovery technology based on code understanding. The representative technologies in the recent ten years are presented accordingly. The trends and deficiencies of the above technologies in the benchmarks used, the platforms selected, and the architectures supported are statistically analyzed. Finally, the future research directions are prospected.
Key words:  Binary Program, Type Inference, control flow, semantic information recovery