  • 刘杰,时金桥,张鹏,张闯,张浩亮,王学宾.基于行为分析的内部威胁检测综述[J].信息安全学报,已采用    [点击复制]
  • liu jie,shi jin qiao,zhang peng,zhang chuang,zhang hao liang,wang xue bin.A Survey of Insider Threat Detection Based on Behavior Analysis[J].Journal of Cyber Security,Accept   [点击复制]
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刘杰1, 时金桥2, 张鹏1, 张闯1, 张浩亮1, 王学宾1
关键词:  内部威胁检测  异常检测  行为分析  网络空间安全  机器学习  深度学习
A Survey of Insider Threat Detection Based on Behavior Analysis
liu jie1, shi jin qiao2, zhang peng1, zhang chuang1, zhang hao liang1, wang xue bin1
(1.Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences;2.chool of Cyberspace Security, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications)
With the development of the Internet era, Insider threat are increasing, which usually lead to system damage, economic loss and information leakage, posing a serious threat to the security of individuals, organizations, and the country. It is one of the security challenges faced by many enterprises and organizations. Insider threat detection has become a very important means of network attack detection, and it is becoming more and more urgent. Researchers in this field have proposed a large number of insider threat detection technologies, especially with the development of artificial intelligence, insider threat detection technologies based on behavior analysis have become the main research content in this field. This paper investigates a large number of related literature and does the following work: First, it summarizes the basic concepts of insiders and insider threat, and the behaviors and characteristics of insider threat. Then, the existing work is classified from the two dimensions of data source and detection method, and the related feature engineering is summarized at the same time. Next, on the basis of classification in Chapter 2, different detection methods and main lines of technology development are discussed. Afterwards, the evaluation and measurement methods and research resources are discussed. Finally, the challenges faced in current research are discussed and future opportunities and prospects are prospected. This article hopes to provide some valuable references for researchers in this field.
Key words:  insider threat detection  anomaly detection  behavior analysis  cyberspace security  machine learning  deep learning