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付玉霞,余泽,艾铭超,章源,黄庆佳,周启航,封化民,贾晓启.具有监督功能的基于区块链电子投票系统[J].信息安全学报,已采用 [点击复制]
- FU Yuxia,YU Ze,AI Mingchao,ZHANG Yuan,HUANG Qingjia,ZHOU Qihang,FENG Huamin,JIA Xiaoqi.A Blockchain-based Electronic Voting System with Supervision Functionality[J].Journal of Cyber Security,Accept [点击复制]
摘要: |
电子投票系统因其效率上的优势,越来越受到人们的重视,得到了广泛的应用。但传统电子投票系统的中心化系统架构受到了诸多非议,存在单点失败、信息不透明、结果难以验证等问题。为了解决中心化架构带来的问题,很多研究者提出了基于区块链的分布式电子投票系统。然而,不管是中心化还是非中心化的电子投票系统,其往往只关注投票信息的安全性,而忽略了对投票人的监督问题,因此存在投票人滥用投票权利的情况。针对该问题,本文基于区块链技术,结合支持加法同态的变形ElGamal加密、环签名以及知识签名等密码学技术,提出了一个新型的具有监督功能的电子投票系统。该电子投票系统在满足完整性、正确性、机密性、适格性、公平性、不可重用性和广泛可验证性等安全属性同时,通过对投票人的评分实现了对投票人的监督。为验证系统的性能,本文利用Python语言实现了系统原型,并在本地以太坊测试网上进行了大量的测试。实验结果表明,本文实现的系统在可用性和效率等方面都表现出色,具有良好的应用前景。 |
关键词: 电子投票系统 监督功能 评分 区块链 去中心化 |
DOI:10.19363/J.cnki.cn10-1380/tn.2024.08.08 |
投稿时间:2022-11-15修订日期:2023-02-13 |
基金项目: |
A Blockchain-based Electronic Voting System with Supervision Functionality |
FU Yuxia1,2, YU Ze3, AI Mingchao4, ZHANG Yuan5, HUANG Qingjia6, ZHOU Qihang1,2, FENG Huamin7, JIA Xiaoqi1,2
(1.Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences;2.School of Cyber Security, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;3.School of Cyber Science and Technology, Zhejiang University;4.Xidian University;5.Lishui City Corporation of Zhejiang Province Tobacco Company;6.Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of SciencesSchool of Cyber Security, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;7.Beijing Electronic Science & Technology Institute) |
Abstract: |
Because of its advantages and efficiency, the electronic voting system has attracted more and more attention and has been applied in various scenarios. However, the centralized system architecture of the traditional electronic voting system has problems such as a single point of failure, information opacity, and resources that are difficult to verify. Many researchers have proposed distributed electronic voting systems based on blockchain to solve this problem. However, the existing centralized or decentralized electronic voting systems often pay attention to the security of voters" voting information and ignore the supervision of voters. Voters may abuse their voting rights, making such electronic voting systems inapplicable. Aiming to address the problem, we propose a new electronic voting system based on various techniques, i.e., deformed ElGamal encryption with additive homomorphism, ring signature, knowledge signature, and blockchain. The proposed system not only satisfies the security attributes of integrity, correctness, confidentiality, suitability, fairness, non-reusability, and ex-tensive verifiability but also achieves voter supervision through voter ratings. Furthermore, we implemented a Python prototype and conducted extensive experiments on the local Ethernet test network to verify the system"s performance. The results demonstrated that the proposed system performs well in terms of feasibility and effectiveness and has good application prospects. |
Key words: Electronic voting system, Supervision functionality, Voter’s rating, Blockchain, Decentralization |