  • 郭晓蕾,张顺亮,张小卉.面向B5G/6G无人机网络物理层安全传输综述[J].信息安全学报,已采用    [点击复制]
  • Guo Xiaolei,Zhang Shunliang,Zhang Xiaohui.Survey on physical layer secure transmission of UAV communication for B5G/6G[J].Journal of Cyber Security,Accept   [点击复制]
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郭晓蕾, 张顺亮, 张小卉
关键词:  无人机通信  物理层安全  安全传输  B5G/6G  无线窃听  数学优化  机器学习
Survey on physical layer secure transmission of UAV communication for B5G/6G
Guo Xiaolei, Zhang Shunliang, Zhang Xiaohui
(Institute of Information Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Due to its advantages of flexibility, easy deployment, low cost, and ease to establish line-of-sight links with the ground, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles(UAV) will play an extremely important role in the future space-air-ground integrated B5G/6G networks. However, the openness of wireless channels and the strong Line of Sight of UAV communication links pose multiple security threats to UAV communication systems. As a potential technology to ensure communication security, physical layer security is increasingly valued. Physical layer security can resist the threat of eavesdropping and jamming faced by UAV information transmission. With the development of technology, UAVs combined with physical layer security technology have been applied in new scenarios such as mobile edge computing and emerging technologies such as B5G/6G. Due to the particularity of new technologies in new scenarios and the limitations of UAVs, such as computing resources and power consumption, traditional physical layer security technology faces new challenges. This paper reviews the current stage work on physical layer secure transmission of UAV network for B5G /6G. Firstly, we introduce the security threats to UAVs, and the typical physical layer security transmission technologies. Typical physical layer security transmission technologies include physical layer encryption, artificial noise, beamforming, and relay collaboration. Then, the research work related to the physical layer secure transmission of UAV communication in recent years has been sorted out and summarized in accordance with the order of theoretical modeling, safety performance evaluation, and system security optimization. In the optimization section, two optimization solutions based on traditional mathematical methods and machine learning methods are introduced. Subsequently, combined with new scenarios such as mobile edge computing and satellite vehicle collaboration, the research on the physical layer security of UAVs based on 5G/B5G has been discussed. Finally, the future research directions of UAV physical layer security have been prospected for 6G, and the open problems are discussed in depth.
Key words:  Unmanned Aerial Vehicle communication  Physical layer security  Secure transmission  B5G/6G  Radio eavesdropping  Mathematical optimization  Machine learning