  • 肖禹名,赵小林,刘振岩,宋策,常悦.基于李群的网络系统行为风险计算方法[J].信息安全学报,已采用    [点击复制]
  • Xiao Yuming,Zhao Xiaolin,Liu Zhenyan,Song Ce,Chang Yue.A Method for Calculating Behavioral Risk in Network Systems Based on Lie Group[J].Journal of Cyber Security,Accept   [点击复制]
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肖禹名, 赵小林, 刘振岩, 宋策, 常悦
关键词:  网络安全  李群  数据安全  风险计算  行为风险
A Method for Calculating Behavioral Risk in Network Systems Based on Lie Group
Xiao Yuming, Zhao Xiaolin, Liu Zhenyan, Song Ce, Chang Yue
(Beijing Institute of Technology)
With the widespread use of the Internet in our lives, more and more software is beginning to collect more user information to improve the user experience. However, there is also a significant risk of leakage of user privacy stored on servers. Real-time assessment of network risks can not only help to monitor changes in network status, but also facilitate the adjustment of network defense measures at any time, and timely defense against network attacks, reducing attack losses. Traditionally, network risk assessment often uses statistical methods to calculate. This article proposes a new algorithm for real-time calculation of network risks by using the Lie group model in mathematics to mathematically model network systems. This article uses Lie group kinematics to describe attack behaviors in the network. By mapping the matrix composed of indicators and topology in the network system to the Lie group, it gives the numerical definition of attack behavior paths and network attack and defense. Using geodesic to calculate the distance between elements in the Lie group, it serves as a network risk indicator, and proposes a corresponding network risk damage assessment method, thus quantifying network risks and achieving real-time evaluation of network security status. In order to test the effectiveness of this network security risk assessment method, this paper uses existing datasets and writes code to conduct relevant experiments to evaluate the applicability and efficiency of this method. The experimental results confirm that the Lie group-based network system behavior risk calculation method is effective for the objective quantitative calculation of network attack and defense risk values, and can achieve quantitative assessment of network risks. Compared with other machine learning algorithms, there is no significant difference in various indicators, and some of its characteristics have the potential for further development.
Key words:  network security, Lie Group,data security , risk calculation, behavioral risk