  • 王中方,仇昭花,禹成亮,魏冬,黄伟庆.利用调制参数时频结构差异及分层神经网络的通信信号调制格式识别算法[J].信息安全学报,已采用    [点击复制]
  • wangzhongfang,qiuzhaohua,yuchengliang,weidong,huangweiqing.Modulation Recognition Algorithm based on Time-Frequency Structure Differences of Modulation Parameters and Hierarchical Neural Network[J].Journal of Cyber Security,Accept   [点击复制]
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王中方, 仇昭花, 禹成亮, 魏冬, 黄伟庆
关键词:  调制识别  信号处理  图像分类  卷积神经网络  分层卷积神经网络
Modulation Recognition Algorithm based on Time-Frequency Structure Differences of Modulation Parameters and Hierarchical Neural Network
wangzhongfang, qiuzhaohua, yuchengliang, weidong, huangweiqing
(Institute of Information Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences)
The detection and supervision of wireless communication is usually carried out in the scene of unknown communication mode, and the recognition of modulation is the first problem to be solved. Aiming at the problem of automatic recognition for communication signal modulation, this paper uses hierarchical convolutional neural network to learn the time-frequency structure differences of modulation parameters, and uses these differences to realize accurate recognition of communication signals. This method combines the advantages of signal feature extraction method and deep learning recognition method, extracts the modulation parameters such as instantaneous amplitude, instantaneous frequency and instantaneous phase, reduces the redundant information for modulation recognition useless in the signal, and constructs the time-frequency structure image of each modulation parameter. Then, a dedicated convolutional neural network is constructed to learn the unique time-frequency structure of images with different modulation parameters. Finally, the hierarchical neural network architecture is designed to cascade each dedicated convolutional neural network to accurately determine the modulation types. In this paper, a total of 11 kinds of communication signals are automatically recognized. This method can effectively overcome the adverse factors such as noise, frequency offset interference and receiving error, and has high robustness and automaticity. The experimental results show that every identification accuracy of 2ASK, 2FSK, 4FSK, BPSK, QPSK, 8PSK and 16QAM, 32QAM and 64QAM, AM and FM signal is above 80%, in the signal-to-noise ratio of size 12 dB and the presence of interference and frequency offset, is better than that of the same condition of traditional modulation mode recognition method based on signal feature extraction and modulation mode recognition method based on the deep learning alone.
Key words:  Modulation Recognition  Signal Processing  Image Classification  Convolution Neural Network  Hierarchical con-volution neural network.