  • 郗志红,周永彬,李勇,樊一康,谢子平,石瑞鑫.基于深度学习的口令猜测方法的组合优化构造[J].信息安全学报,已采用    [点击复制]
  • xizhihong,zhouyongbin,liyong,fanyikang,xieziping,shiruixin.Combinatorial optimization construction of password guessing method based on deep learning[J].Journal of Cyber Security,Accept   [点击复制]
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郗志红, 周永彬, 李勇, 樊一康, 谢子平, 石瑞鑫
关键词:  口令猜测  深度学习  统计模型  组合优化
Combinatorial optimization construction of password guessing method based on deep learning
xizhihong, zhouyongbin, liyong, fanyikang, xieziping, shiruixin
(Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
The existing password guessing methods based on deep learning have great advantages in the number and diversity of password guessing compared with the statistical password guessing methods. However, the existing password guessing methods based on deep learning generate candidate passwords in a character-by-character or map-sample manner. It is necessary to generate a large number of candidate passwords to get a better guess effect without using the internal structure characteristics of passwords. When the number of candidate passwords is small, the guessing success rate is low. Aiming at the above problems, based on the observation and understanding of the mutual independence between the password structure and the password fragments, this paper proposes a modular construction method to optimize the existing password guessing methods based on deep learning by analysising the characteristics of the password structure and the basic characteristics of the guessing model. In order to obtain a new method with higher guess success rate and better guess efficiency, some appropriate statistical models are introduced into the password guessing process as a basic component. Furthermore, it improves the practicability of password guessing method based on deep learning. The experimental results show that the password guessing success rate of the combined-optimized password guessing method is up to 215.51% and 176.84% higher than that of the existing password guessing methods based on deep learning in the same site and cross-site password guessing scenarios. It shows the effectiveness of combinatorial optimization.
Key words:  password guessing  deep learning  statistic model  combinatorial optimization