  • 王茜,韩冀中.知识融合的多模态虚假新闻检测方法[J].信息安全学报,已采用    [点击复制]
  • WANG Xi,HAN Jizhong.Multi-Domain Fake News Detection Fusing Knowledge Information[J].Journal of Cyber Security,Accept   [点击复制]
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王茜, 韩冀中
关键词:  虚假新闻识别  知识图谱  深度神经网络
Multi-Domain Fake News Detection Fusing Knowledge Information
WANG Xi, HAN Jizhong
(Institute of Information Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Fake news and rumors can spread rapidly with the development of Internet and the popularity of social network, and cause a huge negative impact on the public. Fake news detection is very important to blocking the spread of fake news. Since the wildly used of multi-media content in addition to text in posts, recent approaches had paid more attention to how to extract the feature representations of text and vision by using deep neural network. However, they ignored the verification of facts and knowledge information contained in news. In the early fact-checking articles, researchers usually matched the entity and relationship in news with the entity relationship in knowledge base, and calculated the credibility of news. This kind of works were based on simple comparison and verification, which were hard to cover large scale multi-media data. However, the idea of using external knowledge for calculation still is worth learning from. In this paper, we propose a knowledge fusion based deep neural network method, which extracts three domains features such as textual, visual and knowledge information in news for fake news detection task. Specifically, we first use the large open knowledge graphs to obtain the relationship between entities in news, and get the entity relationship matrix of news. Then we obtain the knowledge feature representation of news by extracting the features of the relation matrix with convolution neural network. Finally, knowledge features can be integrated with text and visual features to detect fake news. Our method is validated on two large multi-modal datasets: The Chinese dataset collected from Weibo and the English dataset collected from Twitter. Extensive experiments show the significant improvement of using our al-gorithm, and our model achieved the state-of-the-art performance on both two datasets.
Key words:  Fake news detection, Knowledge graph, Deep neural network