  • 刘圃卓,马叶桐,吕世超,方栋梁,朱红松,孙利民.工业控制系统功能安全和信息安全融合研究综述[J].信息安全学报,已采用    [点击复制]
  • Liu Puzhuo,Ma Yetong,Lv Shichao,Fang Dongliang,Zhu Hongsong,Sun Limin.Survey on the Integration of Safety and Security in Industrial Control Systems[J].Journal of Cyber Security,Accept   [点击复制]
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刘圃卓1, 马叶桐1, 吕世超2, 方栋梁1, 朱红松1, 孙利民1
关键词:  功能安全和信息安全融合  工业控制系统  信息物理融合系统
Survey on the Integration of Safety and Security in Industrial Control Systems
Liu Puzhuo1, Ma Yetong1, Lv Shichao2, Fang Dongliang1, Zhu Hongsong1, Sun Limin1
(1.Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences. School of Cyber Security, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.;2.Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
With the rapid development of industrial Internet, the traditional defense scheme of information security and function safety separation is no longer able to deal with the current threats in industrial control systems. Therefore, the integration of safety and security technology has gradually become a research hotspot. There are great differences in objectives and requirements, and the limited computing, communication and storage resources of the industrial control system bring greater challenges to the research of safety and security integration. This paper analyzes the possibility and necessity of integrating security research from the concepts, terms and mitigation measures involved in the two fields. Then, the research progress of the integration of existing methods and standards in academia and industry is summarized. Finally, the challenges and opportunities of safety and security integration research are analyzed from different perspectives.
Key words:  safety and security integration  industrial control system  cyber-physical system