  • 张宁,吕志强,张焱琳,黄伟庆.基于网表控制流分析的硬件木马检测方法[J].信息安全学报,已采用    [点击复制]
  • ZHANG Ning,LV Zhiqiang,ZHANG Yanlin,HUANG Weiqing.A Novel Hardware Trojan Detection Method based on the Controllability Flow Analysis of the netlist[J].Journal of Cyber Security,Accept   [点击复制]
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张宁, 吕志强, 张焱琳, 黄伟庆
(中国科学院信息工程研究所 第四研究室 北京 中国)
关键词:  芯片安全,硬件木马检测,网表,控制流图,特征分析
A Novel Hardware Trojan Detection Method based on the Controllability Flow Analysis of the netlist
ZHANG Ning, LV Zhiqiang, ZHANG Yanlin, HUANG Weiqing
(Institute of Information Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences)
With the expansion of modern integrated circuit (IC) scale, it’s inevitable to introduce many intellectual property (IP) cores designed by the third party, leading to the potential insertion of malicious circuits called Hardware Trojans(HT). Thus, HT detections are essential to mitigate the thread of HT which may be inserted during the IC design flow. Existing HT detection methods are usually rely on a particular character of HT, which are easy resisted by novel implicitly designs. In this paper, we propose a general modeling method of designs, which transform the netlist to a Node Controllability Flow Graph (NCFG), and a novel HT detection method based on the controllability flow analysis considering both combinational and sequential logics. The experiment result shows that it has high accuracy to common HT and novel implicitly HT. Moreover, it has advantages to be extended for future stealthier HT features analysis based on NCFG.
Key words:  chip security  Hardware Trojan detection  netlist  Controllability Flow  feature analysis