  • 冯 祺,周永彬,明经典,张 倩.基于时频特征的多源融合信息泄漏检测方法[J].信息安全学报,已采用    [点击复制]
  • FENG Qi,ZHOU Yongbin,MING Jingdian,ZHANG Qian.Time-Frequency Characteristics Based Multi-Channel Fusion Leakage Detection[J].Journal of Cyber Security,Accept   [点击复制]
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冯 祺, 周永彬, 明经典, 张 倩
(中国科学院信息工程研究所信息安全国家重点实验室 北京 中国)
关键词:  密码设备  侧信道分析  泄漏检测  时频特征  多源融合  
Time-Frequency Characteristics Based Multi-Channel Fusion Leakage Detection
FENG Qi, ZHOU Yongbin, MING Jingdian, ZHANG Qian
(State Key Laboratory of Information Security,Institute of Information Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Leakage detection is an important technology to assess the risk of leakage of cryptographic device, it is to find the evidence of dependency between leakages and sensitive data through hypothesis testing. Various information leakages such as power and electromagnetic are generated during the running of cryptographic devices. Detecting only one specific type of information leakage ignores the inherent correlation between multiple information leakages, so it is difficult to fully characterize the actual security of cryptographic devices. Multi-channel fusion leakage detection is a new direction to overcome this technical defect. This paper proposes time-frequency characteristics based multi-channel fusion leakage detection, the feasibility and applicable scenarios of this method are analyzed from the perspectives of frequency information leakage density, signal-to-noise ratio, dimension, etc. The experimental results show that the false positive rate of the new method proposed in this paper is reduced by 99.33%~99.97% compared with the existing detection methods when the number of sampling points is the same. In the case of specific and non-specific test, compared with the existing detection methods, the number of measures required to detect by the new method in this paper is reduced by 15%~52% and 29%~64% respectively.
Key words:  Cryptographic Device  Side Channel Analysis  Leakage Detection  Time-Frequency Characteristics  Multi-Channel Fusion