  • 钱文飞,王平建,贾世杰,张琼露,陈天宇,牛莹姣.一种适用于高并发场景的基于SM2协作签名算法身份鉴别方案[J].信息安全学报,已采用    [点击复制]
  • Qian Wenfei,Wang Pingjian,Jia Shijie,Zhang Qionglu,Chen Tianyu,Niu Yingjiao.An identity authentication scheme for high concurrency scenarios based on SM2 collaborative signature algorithm[J].Journal of Cyber Security,Accept   [点击复制]
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钱文飞, 王平建, 贾世杰, 张琼露, 陈天宇, 牛莹姣
(State Key Laboratory of Information Security, Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
关键词:  口令  钓鱼攻击  中间人攻击  SM2算法  身份鉴别
An identity authentication scheme for high concurrency scenarios based on SM2 collaborative signature algorithm
Qian Wenfei, Wang Pingjian, Jia Shijie, Zhang Qionglu, Chen Tianyu, Niu Yingjiao
(State Key Laboratory of Information Security, Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
With the rapid development of mobile Internet and smart terminals, the volume of mobile business is exploding, and the importance of ensuring the authenticity of user identities in high concurrency scenarios is becoming increasing-ly important. The authenticity of user identity is the primary condition to ensure the secure operation of mobile business, and the industry usually adopts static password schemes to identify the authenticity of users. However, the passwords or their hash values in static password schemes are transmitted and stored on the server side, which ex-poses them to serious risks of Man-In-the-Middle, Drag Attack and Credential Stuffing Attack. To solve the above problems, we propose an SM2 Collaborative Signature Algorithm (SM2-CSA) based on which an identity authenti-cation scheme (HC-IAS) for high concurrency scenarios is proposed, which can meet the needs of high concurrency in mobile services and solve the security problems introduced by storing the password or its hash value on the serv-er side of the static password scheme, so that it can effectively resist threats such as phishing, phishing and man-in-the-middle combination attacks. Finally, this paper designs and implements a prototype SM2 collaborative signature login system based on the proposed scheme, and conducts security and performance tests on it. The test results show that this scheme has better security and ease of use than the existing schemes.
Key words:  password  phishing attack  man-in-the-middle attack  SM2 algorithm  authentication