  • 毛锐,纪鹤鸣,黄伟庆,王晓宇,王妍,孙德刚.大规模网络中的身份认证关键技术探讨[J].信息安全学报,已采用    [点击复制]
  • MAO Rui,Ji Heming,Huang Weiqing,WANG Xiaoyu,WANG Yan,SUN Degang.Discussion on key technologies of identity authentication in large-scale networks[J].Journal of Cyber Security,Accept   [点击复制]
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关键词:  身份认证  网络安全  物联网  移动互联网  车联网  云计算
Discussion on key technologies of identity authentication in large-scale networks
MAO Rui1,2,3,3,4,5,3,3,6,7,8,3,3,4,5,3,3,6, Ji Heming1, Huang Weiqing1,9,10, WANG Xiaoyu1, WANG Yan11, SUN Degang1
(1.School of Cyber Security,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;2.&3.amp;4.lt;5.br /&6.gt;7.Institute of Information Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences;8.China&9.
Institute of Information Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences;10.China
;11.Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
With the rapid development of large-scale networks in recent years, many attack methods and accompanying security problems have occurred frequently. Among them, identity authentication technology, as the first line of defense in network security, always faces serious challenges. Many security problems have emerged one after another due to insecure identity authentication processes or improper storage of private information used for authentication. These above issues arouse long-term exploration and attention on identity authentication technology for scholars. How to solve the problem of identity authentication in large-scale networks effectively, choose appropriate and effective identity authentication technology for different scenarios and different business demands, and improve the security of identity authentication in corresponding scenarios have become the problems that need to be solved urgently. This paper analyzes the security problems of identity authentication faced by four common large-scale networks of mobile Internet, Internet of Vehicles, Internet of Things, and cloud computing. And then, we summarize the development of critical technologies for identity authentication and critical application schemes in large-scale networks. Firstly, we analyze the main problems and security requirements faced by large-scale network identity authentication technology. Secondly, based on the analysis of identity authentication protocols and technological theories, we summarized five types of fifteen identity authentication technologies in large-scale networks, simultaneously analyzing and comparing their features, advantages, and disadvantages. Subsequently, we summarize and analyze typical application schemes of identity authentication technologies in four large-scale networks, which are as follows: Continuous authentication based on face recognition, continuous authentication based on touch dynamics, and continuous authentication combined with biometrics and devices for the mobile internet; Authentication based on pseudonyms, authentication based on group signatures, and authentication based on blockchain for the Internet of Vehicles; Anonymity-based authentication, wireless sensor-based lightweight authentication, and hierarchical-based authentication for the Internet of Things; Authentication based on access control, authentication based on biometrics, and authentication based on mobile cloud computing for cloud computing. Based on the above scenarios, we discuss and compare the critical problems that have been solved, security, and performance of identity authentication technologies. Finally, we discuss and look forward to the research hotspots, new challenges, and identity authentication technology development trends in large-scale networks.
Key words:  identity authentication  cyber security  Internet of things  mobile Internet  Internet of vehicles  cloud computing networks