  • 王志,尹捷,崔翔,刘奇旭,刘潮歌,汪旭童.人工智能赋能网络威胁研究进展[J].信息安全学报,已采用    [点击复制]
  • Wang Zhi,Yin Jie,Cui Xiang,Liu Qixu,Liu Chaoge,Wang Xutong.AI-Powered Cyber Threats: A Survey[J].Journal of Cyber Security,Accept   [点击复制]
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王志1, 尹捷1, 崔翔2, 刘奇旭1, 刘潮歌1, 汪旭童1
关键词:  人工智能 网络威胁 人工智能安全 网络空间安全
AI-Powered Cyber Threats: A Survey
Wang Zhi1, Yin Jie1, Cui Xiang2, Liu Qixu1, Liu Chaoge1, Wang Xutong1
(1.Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences;2.Cyberspace Institute of Advanced Technology, Guangzhou University)
In recent years, the threat of artificial intelligence (AI) in cyber attacks has been continuously increasing. In order to help researchers quickly understand the relevant principles and conduct research on defense methods, it is necessary to analyze the characteristics of AI and the principles of AI-powered cyber threats and sort out relevant cases. To this end, we analyzed the capabilities of artificial intelligence and the nature of the neural network model and divided the roles of artificial intelligence in cyber threats into five categories: forgery and deception, stealth and anonymity, perception and decision-making, targeting hand customization, and scale and automation. On this basis, the influence of the characteristics of artificial intelligence on the five roles is analyzed, and the enabling matrix of artificial intelligence to cyber threats is formed. Then, we collected the existing AI-powered cyber threat works and classified the cases into 18 categories. Combined with the cyber kill chain, an AI-powered cyber threat framework is formed, and the cases of AI-powered cyber threats are introduced based on the three stages of an attack: preparation, intrusion, and execution. The principles, effects, and progress of representative works in each category are included, as well as their strength and limitation. Subsequently, we analyzed the effectiveness and limitations of existing defense methods from the perspective of the capabilities of attackers and defenders, pointed out the differences between AI-powered cyber threats and other threats, and put forward the possible defense measures targeted at AI from three dimensions of scenario, technology, and system. Combined with the evolution of AI technology and cyber threats and the deficiencies and constraints of AI-powered cyber threats, we discussed the effectiveness of AI in cyber threats and prospected the future trends of AI-powered cyber threats. We hope this paper will help defend against AI-powered cyber threats in the future.
Key words:  artificial intelligence  cyber threat  AI security  cyber security