  • 姜淼,李敏,任俊星,杨阳,白入文,赵士贤,黄伟庆.基于深度学习的人-物交互检测研究进展综述[J].信息安全学报,已采用    [点击复制]
  • jiang miao,li min,ren jun xing,yang yang,bai ru wen,zhao shi xian,huang wei qing.Survey of Deep Learning-Based Human-Object Interaction Detection[J].Journal of Cyber Security,Accept   [点击复制]
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姜淼, 李敏, 任俊星, 杨阳, 白入文, 赵士贤, 黄伟庆
关键词:  人-物交互检测  深度学习  计算机视觉
Survey of Deep Learning-Based Human-Object Interaction Detection
jiang miao, li min, ren jun xing, yang yang, bai ru wen, zhao shi xian, huang wei qing
(Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Human-object interaction detection aims to identify humans, objects, and their interactions in images. In human-centered scenarios, human-object interaction detection serves as the foundation for higher-level semantic understanding, and plays an important role in computer vision tasks such as behavior analysis, scene understanding, and video structuring. It also has high application value in social life fields such as public safety and enterprise management. In recent years, the de-velopment of deep learning and the availability of large-scale datasets have driven the advancement of human-object in-teraction detection. However, there are few comprehensive reviews on this field currently. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of human-object interaction detection methods based on deep learning, considering it as con-sisting of three parts: object detection, human-object pair association, and interaction prediction. This paper focuses on methods for human-object pair association and interaction prediction, and summarizes the methods from the perspectives of framework, feature, and interaction region. Specifically, this paper first introduces the background of human-object interaction detection, then outlines the framework of deep learning-based human-object interaction detection, and dis-cusses the human-object pair association module and interaction prediction module in both sequential and parallel human-object interaction detection. It further introduces the datasets and evaluation metrics for human-object interaction detection, compares the performance of different methods on two commonly used datasets, and points out the long-tail distribution problem in human-object interaction datasets, as well as discusses solutions to this problem. Finally, this paper summarizes and prospects the future research directions in the field of human-object interaction detection. It is expected that this paper will provide insightful ideas for the future direction of research in the field of deep learning-based hu-man-object interaction detection through a comprehensive review of the current research status.
Key words:  human-object interaction detection  deep learning  computer vision