  • 杜翔宇,姜政伟,杨沛安,张开,董放明,范子静,江钧,李宁,刘宝旭.网络攻击场景重构技术综述[J].信息安全学报,已采用    [点击复制]
  • DU Xiangyu,JIANG Zhengwei,YANG Peian,ZHANG Kai,DONG Fangming,FAN Zijing,JIANG Jun,LI Ning,LIU Baoxu.Survey on Cyber Attack Scenario Reconstruction Techniques[J].Journal of Cyber Security,Accept   [点击复制]
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杜翔宇1, 姜政伟1, 杨沛安1, 张开1, 董放明2, 范子静1, 江钧1, 李宁1, 刘宝旭1
关键词:  攻击场景重构  攻击链  攻击调查  威胁模型  攻击归因  威胁情报
Survey on Cyber Attack Scenario Reconstruction Techniques
DU Xiangyu1, JIANG Zhengwei1, YANG Peian1, ZHANG Kai1, DONG Fangming2, FAN Zijing1, JIANG Jun1, LI Ning1, LIU Baoxu1
(1.Institute of Information Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences;2.School of Cyber Security, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
As the confrontation between attackers and defenders in cyberspace escalates, traditional analysis methods such as cyber threat awareness, detection, and forensics are being challenged by the emergence of new vulnerabilities, advancing technologies, and expanded attack surfaces. While threat actors in cyberspace carry out threat behaviors such as reconnaissance, delivery, or exploitation, their actions are inevitably captured and recorded by the victims’ defense system as a variety of traces that reflect the attackers’ methods, intentions, or next attack plan from multiple angles. Attack scene reconstruction is a technology that extracts attack information from traffic, alarms, logs, or other trace information and reconstructs them to the attack process, which can help analysts or defense systems to provide accurate identification, in-depth analysis, and accurate attribution of attack activities, and improve the efficiency of threat investigation and resolution. A large number of researchers have provided deep insights into the field of cyber attack reconstruction and published many papers in recent years. This paper summarizes these works from the perspective of the attack scenario reconstruction process to provide a reference for security researchers. First, this paper introduces the critical concept of attack scenario reconstruction techniques, points out the similarities and differences with other threat analysis methods that are easily confused, and explains the main processes and core steps of attack scenario reconstruction. Second, this paper expounds on the threat model, data model, and reconstruction method in detail according to the order of the reconstruction process, introduces representative works, summarizes innovations, and compares their advantages, disadvantages, differences, and application areas. Finally, this paper summarizes the common evaluation indicators and dominant application domains of attack scenario reconstruction techniques, discusses the problems existing in the existing methods in the reconstruction process, and looks forward to several significant research directions based on mentioned problems in this field in the future.
Key words:  Attack Scenario Reconstruction  Kill Chain  Attack Investigation  Threat Model  Attack Attribution  Threat Intelligence