  • 宋书发,马琳茹,虞红芳,胡鑫鑫.内部威胁:系统性分析与防御检测综述[J].信息安全学报,已采用    [点击复制]
  • songshufa,malinru,yuhongfang,huxinxin.Insider Threat : A Survey on Systematic Analysis and De-fense Detection[J].Journal of Cyber Security,Accept   [点击复制]
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宋书发1, 马琳茹2, 虞红芳1, 胡鑫鑫2
关键词:  内部威胁  特征框架  防御检测框架  威胁狩猎  主动检测
Insider Threat : A Survey on Systematic Analysis and De-fense Detection
songshufa1, malinru2, yuhongfang1, huxinxin2
(1.School of Information and Communication Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology;2.Institute of Systems Engineering, Academy of Military Sciences)
In recent years, with the rapid development of the digital transformation of society, the problem of network insider threat in enterprises and organizations has become increasingly prominent. In order to effectively solve the problem of insider threat, this paper provides a deep analysis of the insider threat problem, systematically analyzes the work related to insider threat, and comprehensively analyzes the insider threat from multiple dimensions such as threat characteris-tics, defense measures, and detection methods, etc., aiming at providing researchers with a clear perspective, and de-signing more effective and reasonable insider threat defense and detection schemes on the basis of this. First, the paper describes the background and significance of insider threat, and summarizes the different categories of insiders and their respective characteristics. Meanwhile, based on the understanding of the insider threat problem, this paper sum-marizes the threat characteristic framework and the multi-stage defense detection framework. The threat characteristics framework mainly contains multidimensional characteristics including threat motivation, insider characteristics, threat attack characteristics and organizational characteristics. The defense detection framework covers three main phases: the threat intent generation phase, the threat behavior generation phase, and the threat detection and response phase, which contain observation and deterrence measures for behavioral intent, relevant measures to mitigate and prevent the gen-eration of threat behaviors, and the identification, assessment, and elimination of potential insider threats, respectively. In the threat detection and response phase, this paper introduces existing detection methods based on two main cate-gories: detection ideas and algorithmic models, and focuses on graph-based detection methods in the algorithmic model. This paper also analyzes proactive detection methods for threat hunting in combination with other security domain methods, adds new perspectives for insider threat detection, and summarizes the datasets and evaluation metrics used in some existing insider threat detection. Finally, the paper discusses the challenges and limitations in current solutions and suggests potential directions for future research.
Key words:  insider threat  characteristic framework  defense detection framework  threat hunting  proactive detection