  • 王标,卫红权,刘树新,王凯,江昊聪,李燃.RT-NIG:在邻域信息图中重构二元组用于谣言早期检测[J].信息安全学报,2024,9(6):140-158    [点击复制]
  • WANG Biao,WEI Hongquan,LIU Shuxin,WANG Kai,JIANG Haocong,LI Ran.RT-NIG: Reconstructing Two-tuples in Neighborhood Information Graphs for Early Rumor Detection[J].Journal of Cyber Security,2024,9(6):140-158   [点击复制]
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王标1, 卫红权1,2, 刘树新1,2, 王凯1,2, 江昊聪1,2, 李燃1
(1.中国人民解放军战略支援部队信息工程大学 郑州 中国 450001;2.国家数字交换系统工程技术研究中心 郑州 中国 450002)
关键词:  谣言早期检测  RT-NIG  邻域信息图  重构二元组  图神经网络
RT-NIG: Reconstructing Two-tuples in Neighborhood Information Graphs for Early Rumor Detection
WANG Biao1, WEI Hongquan1,2, LIU Shuxin1,2, WANG Kai1,2, JIANG Haocong1,2, LI Ran1
(1.PLA Strategic Support Force Information Engineering University, Zhengzhou 450001, China;2.National Digital Switching System Engineering and Technological R&D Center, Zhengzhou 450002, China)
As rumors continue to diffuse and spread on the network, their influence will become more and more serious. In the earliest stage that rumors have not yet spread, it is of great significance to use the user information and text information of the source account to identify and suppress them. The current detection methods are limited to natural language processing technology and focus on extracting information from the text to identify rumors. The lack of in-depth mining and an effective combination of user information leads to low detection performance of the model. In this paper, we propose a new approach for early rumor detection, RT-NIG, which can identify rumors by reconstructing two-tuples information in the cross-distributed neighborhood information graphs. Firstly, in response to the situation where there is a lack of dissemination information in the initial stage of rumor propagation and graph-structured data cannot be formed, a virtual neighborhood graph is constructed using the potential correlation of objects to solve the problems of data uncertainty and incompleteness. Then the potential object relationships in the neighborhood graph are captured by graph neural network. The user information and semantic information are transferred in two neighborhood information graphs and reconstructed, paying attention to the potential credibility relationship between users and the emotional polarity relationship between texts. Finally, using weighted integration, the "User-Tweet" two-tuple information is reconstructed, effectively combining the two kinds of information, and is used for the downstream rumor classification task. Experiments are conducted on two real datasets, Chinese Weibo and English PHEME. The proposed method outperformed various advanced early detection methods in accuracy, accuracy, recall, F1 value, and other indicators. The accuracy was improved by 5% and 8% compared to the optimal comparison method on the two datasets. Ablation research and super parameter analysis further prove the important role of user information in early detection and the effectiveness of two-tuple information reconstruction. RT-NIG also provides new solutions for other early detection problems, such as fake news, online violence, misleading information,etc., in scenarios where no disseminated structural information is available.
Key words:  early rumor detection  RT-NIG  neighborhood information graphs  reconstruct two-tuples  GNN