  • 张霄,张宏涛,郭毅,张连成,郝顺龙,李旭青.面向数据生命周期的安全技术研究[J].信息安全学报,已采用    [点击复制]
  • zhangxiao,zhanghongtao,guoyi,zhangliancheng,haoshunlong,lixuqing.Research on security technology for data life cycle[J].Journal of Cyber Security,Accept   [点击复制]
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张霄1, 张宏涛1, 郭毅2, 张连成2, 郝顺龙1, 李旭青1
关键词:  数字经济  数据安全  威胁模型  生命周期  安全风险  
Research on security technology for data life cycle
zhangxiao1, zhanghongtao1, guoyi2, zhangliancheng2, haoshunlong1, lixuqing1
(1.Zhengzhou University;2.PLA Strategic Support Force Information Engineering University)
With the rapid development of the digital economy, data has become a crucial production factor in promoting social progress and economic growth. However, during the daily use and management of data, numerous security risks and threats such as data leakage, misuse, and tampering are encountered. The growing prominence of these issues has made data security a highly topical subject of concern at present. In recent years, a substantial amount of research work has been carried out centering on ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data, with the aim of addressing the security challenges throughout the entire data lifecycle and safeguarding the development of the digital society. This paper initially sets out from the requirements of data security and, in combination with the STRIDE security threat model proposed by Microsoft Corporation, constructs a hierarchical data security risk mod-el. It systematically sorts out and analyzes the security risks faced in the four key stages of the data lifecycle, namely acquisition and collection, storage and processing, transmission and sharing, as well as destruction and ar-chiving. Subsequently, based on the hierarchical data security risk model, in light of the major security risks and their impacts faced at different stages within the entire data lifecycle, this paper systematically elaborates and ana-lyzes the main contents, thinking approaches, key technologies, and research achievements of data security re-search in recent years. This encompasses the major security mechanisms involved in the data business processes and lifecycle, including data encryption, access control, data integrity verification, and blockchain technology, among others. Finally, through an in-depth analysis of the limitations of the existing research work and achieve-ments, this paper points out the key issues that urgently need to be addressed in data security technologies and pro-vides a forward-looking outlook on the future development directions in this field, with the expectation of offering valuable references for subsequent research.
Key words:  digital economy  data security  threat model  life cycle  security risk