  • 任腾,张顺亮,刘银龙.面向 6G 的软件定义可重构智能网络安全综述:现状、机遇与挑战[J].信息安全学报,已采用    [点击复制]
  • renteng,zhangshunliang,liuyinlong.A Comprehensive Survey on Software-Defined Reconfigurable Intelligent Cybersecurity for 6G: State-of-the-Art, Opportunities and Challenges[J].Journal of Cyber Security,Accept   [点击复制]
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面向 6G 的软件定义可重构智能网络安全综述:现状、机遇与挑战
任腾, 张顺亮, 刘银龙
关键词:  6G  网络安全  软件定义网络  网络功能虚拟化  服务功能链  智能化安全防护  可重构网络  深度学习
A Comprehensive Survey on Software-Defined Reconfigurable Intelligent Cybersecurity for 6G: State-of-the-Art, Opportunities and Challenges
renteng, zhangshunliang, liuyinlong
(Institute of Information Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences)
The diverse and evolving business types and application scenarios in 6G networks demand customized security solutions. As 6G systems face ever-changing threats, security mechanisms must be dynamically and flexibly deployed to defend against new risks and enhance resource efficiency. The emergence of SDN, NFV and SFC technologies has greatly promoted the development of software, virtualization and reconfiguration of 6G networks. The rapid development of artificial intelligence technology has promoted the intelligence of network security protection system. However, new technologies, new architectures, and new paradigms also bring new challenges and risks to 6G network security. On the one hand, the decoupling of software and hardware, the modularization of network functions and the dynamic reconfiguration of service function chains introduce new security risks. On the other hand, the intelligent control plane and the orchestration and management of virtualization security functions provide technical support for the construction of reconfigurable dynamic security defense system. The existing research work lacks a comprehensive analysis of the security of software-defined reconfigurable network combined with artificial intelligence. In this paper, we first introduce the related technical concepts and characteristics of software defined reconfigurable network. Then, the security risks faced by SDN, NFV and SFC and the corresponding solutions are systematically classified and summarized, and the latest research work on the security protection scheme of intelligent software-defined reconfigurable network combined with machine learning is comprehensively and deeply discussed. On this basis, a new intelligent security orchestration framework combining SDN, NFV, SFC and deep reinforcement learning is proposed, and its working mechanism is described in detail. Finally, the open problems and research directions in the field of 6G network security in the future were pointed out.
Key words:  6G  Network Security  Software-Defined Networks  Network Function Virtualization  Service Function Chaining  Intelligent Security Protection  Reconfigurable Network  Deep Learning