  • 罗文.面向网络会话的TR-SAGE流量异常检测方法研究[J].信息安全学报,已采用    [点击复制]
  • luowen.Research on TR-SAGE Anomaly Detection of Network Sessions[J].Journal of Cyber Security,Accept   [点击复制]
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关键词:  网络流量,异常检测  会话特征  时间序列  图表达  拓扑优化
Research on TR-SAGE Anomaly Detection of Network Sessions
(Nanjing University of Science and Technology)
Given that network traffic interactions are highly sparse and complex, traditional network traffic anomaly detection methods are difficult to effectively utilize the temporal features and topological information in network traffic. When dealing with complex and diverse network traffic anomaly detection, they often have problems of insufficient accuracy and poor adaptability. To address these key issues, this paper proposes an integrated detection method TR-SAGE that integrates session features and restarted random walk algorithms based on the graph neural network E-GraphSAGE. This method significantly enhances its ability to detect network traffic anomalies by utilizing ses-sion-level traffic features and graph topological information. Session feature extraction captures dynamic changes and statistical properties within the life cycle of a session to discover hidden traffic patterns and relationships that traditional methods may ignore. In addition, graph topology optimization provides a more effective sampling basis for the restarted random walk algorithm. By improving the quality of model sampling, this method can more effec-tively distinguish normal and abnormal traffic patterns, even in highly complex data sets. We conduct experiments on three common network traffic anomaly detection datasets. The TR-SAGE method performs well in evaluation indicators such as recall, precision, and F1 score. In particular, it can effectively identify a variety of abnormal pat-terns when facing complex and dynamically changing network traffic. For example, on the ISCX-Tor2016 dataset, not only the evaluation indicators have reached the most advanced level, but also the recall rate, precision and F1 score of the proposed method have been improved by 19%, 17% and 18% compared with the SOTA graph neural network model. The experimental results prove the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method for net-work traffic anomaly detection tasks. The proposed method has shown significant effects in solving network secu-rity and traffic analysis challenges, and provides a promising solution for network traffic anomaly detection.
Key words:  network traffic  anomaly detection  session features  time series  graph representation  topology optimization