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高源芃,冯哲,刘雪峰,雷静,裴庆祺.面向大规模区块链网络的高效编辑方案[J].信息安全学报,已采用 [点击复制]
- gaoyuanpeng,Feng zhe,Liu xuefeng,Lei jing,Pei qingqi.An Efficient Editing Scheme for Large-Scale Blockchain Networks[J].Journal of Cyber Security,Accept [点击复制]
摘要: |
区块链因其不可篡改性成为去中心化系统的信任基础,但这一特性也被滥用用于存储暴力、色情及恐怖主义信息。变色龙哈希通过利用陷门信息在保持哈希值不变的情况下修改哈希内容,被视为实现区块链可编辑性的关键。现有方案或依赖中心化的变色龙哈希方法,使单一实体掌握编辑权限,削弱区块链可信度;或采用分布式变色龙哈希方法,虽保持可信度,但无法检测编辑过程中的恶意节点信息,导致系统使用错误信息维持运行,从而产生错误结果,浪费计算资源。此外,这些方案要么仍在区块链上包含被编辑信息,与区块链编辑理念不符,要么需全网节点参与安全计算生成陷门信息和掩码,导致 的通信复杂度高,难以适应大规模网络。为此,本文提出了一种面向大规模网络环境的高效的区块链编辑方案。方案将区块的 Merkle 根生成过程由传统哈希函数替换为变色龙哈希函数,实现无痕编辑;通过代理节点聚合信息,将系统的通信复杂度从 降至 ,并利用同态加密保护陷门和掩码数据,实现编辑结果的加密聚合,消除陷门信息和掩码对节点的依赖;结合零知识证明和承诺机制,支持恶意节点识别与筛选,保障系统使用正确信息稳定运行。本文在四个城市部署211个区块链节点验证方案性能,结果表明,本方案效率优于现有方案,且性能优势随节点规模扩大更加显著。此外,方案在理想-现实模型下经过严格的安全性证明,体现出卓越的安全性和实际应用潜力。 |
关键词: 可编辑区块链 分布式变色龙哈希 |
DOI: |
投稿时间:2024-09-13修订日期:2024-11-21 |
基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划),国家自然科学基金项目(面上项目,重点项目,重大项目) |
An Efficient Editing Scheme for Large-Scale Blockchain Networks |
gaoyuanpeng, Feng zhe, Liu xuefeng, Lei jing, Pei qingqi
(xidian university) |
Abstract: |
Blockchain's immutability has become the cornerstone of trust in decentralized systems, but this feature has also been exploited to store illicit content such as violent, pornographic, and terrorist information. Chameleon hashing, which ena-bles content modification while preserving the hash value through the use of trapdoor information, is recognized as a key technique for achieving blockchain editability. Existing approaches either rely on centralized chameleon hash schemes, granting editing authority to a single entity and undermining blockchain trust, or adopt distributed chameleon hash schemes that maintain trust but fail to detect malicious node behavior during editing. This results in systems operating on erroneous information, producing incorrect outcomes, and wasting computational resources. Moreover, these schemes either retain edited information on the blockchain, contradicting the principles of blockchain editing, or require all network nodes to participate in secure computations to generate trapdoor information and masking data, leading to high commu-nication complexity ( ) that limits scalability in large networks. To address these issues, this paper proposes an efficient blockchain editing scheme designed for large-scale network environments. The proposed scheme replaces tradi-tional hash functions with chameleon hash functions in the Merkle root generation process to achieve seamless editing. By utilizing proxy nodes for information aggregation, the scheme reduces communication complexity from to . Homomorphic encryption secures trapdoor and masking data, enabling encrypted aggregation and eliminating node dependency on these values. Additionally, the integration of zero-knowledge proofs and commitment mechanisms supports the identification and exclusion of malicious nodes, ensuring stable operation with accurate information. Ex-periments conducted on 211 blockchain nodes deployed across four cities demonstrate that the proposed scheme out-performs existing methods in efficiency, with its performance advantages becoming increasingly pronounced as network size grows. Furthermore, rigorous security proofs under the ideal-real model validate the scheme's strong security properties, showcasing its potential for practical application in large-scale blockchain networks. |
Key words: redactable blockchain distributed chameleon hash |