  • 董方明,梅迪菲,安宝宇,周川,周强,畅东升,王平辉.PDR-SFP:一种快速高效的私有文档检索方法[J].信息安全学报,已采用    [点击复制]
  • Dong Fangming,Mei Difei,An Baoyu,Zhou Chuan,Zhou Qiang,Chang Dongsheng,Wang Pinghui.PDR-SFP:A Fast and Efficient Protocol for Private Docu-ment Retrieval[J].Journal of Cyber Security,Accept   [点击复制]
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关键词:  私有文档检索  隐私查询  同态加密  随机投影  私有信息检索
PDR-SFP:A Fast and Efficient Protocol for Private Docu-ment Retrieval
Dong Fangming1,2,3, Mei Difei4, An Baoyu5, Zhou Chuan1,2,3, Zhou Qiang6, Chang Dongsheng4, Wang Pinghui1,2,3
(1.Xi'2.'3.an Jiaotong University;4.China Mobile Xiong’an Information and Communication Technology Co. LTD;5.China Mobile Information System Integration Co. LTD;6.China Mobile System Integration Co. LTD)
Document retrieval plays a crucial role in information systems, aiming to identify documents from a database that are most relevant to a user’s query. With the growth of cloud computing and similar services, many tasks, including docu-ment retrieval, are increasingly offloaded to cloud servers. However, without proper privacy protection, sensitive infor-mation in a user’s query document could be exposed to the server, potentially leading to significant privacy risks. To ad-dress this issue, this study introduces a privacy-preserving approach for secure document retrieval. The proposed method leverages Regev’s homomorphic encryption, enabling the privacy of user query data to remain protected during the re-trieval process. Additionally, to improve efficiency and reduce storage requirements, the method incorporates Sign-Full random projection, which compresses the database and minimizes computational load. This unique combination of en-cryption and data compression allows for faster query processing while protecting sensitive information from unauthor-ized access. Compared to existing document retrieval methods, this approach offers considerable improvements in both speed and storage efficiency. Query times are reduced by approximately 101 times, and storage space requirements are cut by about 30 times, all while maintaining competitive accuracy in document matching. By balancing performance and privacy, this approach supports the secure and efficient handling of sensitive queries, making it well-suited for cloud-based applications where data protection is paramount. This study’s findings suggest a promising pathway for pri-vate and efficient document retrieval in cloud environments.
Key words:  private document retrieval  private query  homomorphic encryption  random projection