  • 刘勤,王光,朱子元.基于硬件性能计数器的指令行为及安全威胁分析方法研究[J].信息安全学报,已采用    [点击复制]
  • liu qin,wangguang,zhuziyuan.Instruction Functionality and Security Threat Analysis Using Hardware Performance Counters[J].Journal of Cyber Security,Accept   [点击复制]
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刘勤, 王光, 朱子元
关键词:  未公开指令  指令行为分析  硬件性能计数器
Instruction Functionality and Security Threat Analysis Using Hardware Performance Counters
liu qin, wangguang, zhuziyuan
(Institute of Information Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Undocumented instructions in processors can be exploited by attackers to launch processor fingerprinting attacks, side-channel attacks, and denial-of-service attacks, thereby threatening the security of computer systems. Existing research on undocumented instructions primarily focuses on analyzing their existence, with limited work dedicated to behavioral and security threat analysis. Current behavioral analysis techniques rely on disassemblers and manual checks against instruction manuals, resulting in low accuracy and efficiency.This study proposes a legitimate instruction-guided behavioral classification method for undocumented instructions. By leveraging data features from hardware performance counters HPCs during the execution of legitimate instructions, we train a classifier to construct a label-free classification framework FuncCount. This framework achieves automated classification of legitimate instructions into four categories: memory access, branch, arithmetic, and other instructions.Further, we apply FuncCount to analyze undocumented instructions. By inputting HPC behavioral features from undocumented instruction execution into the classifier, we determine their behavioral categories. Based on this classification, we propose a side-channel analysis methodology tailored to the behavioral characteristics of undocumented instructions. This method explores undocumented instructions’ access patterns to system resources through HPC data and register state changes, enabling systematic evaluation of their security threats.Experimental results demonstrate that FuncCount achieves 90.3% accuracy in classifying legitimate instructions, validating the effectiveness of HPCs in label-free instruction classification. Analysis of undocumented instructions reveals that the 0F0Dxx instruction triggers abnormal prefetch behaviors during memory access, classified as a memory access instruction, and exhibits side-channel behavior similar to standard PREFETCH instructions. Crucially, 0F0Dxx can be exploited to construct side-channel attacks that bypass modern Address Space Layout Randomization KASLR mechanisms, leaking kernel address information. To mitigate such threats, we design a low-overhead detection mechanism based on HPC anomaly detection. When abnormal Data Translation Lookaside Buffer DTLB hit rates exceed predefined thresholds, the system activates a kernel-enforced isolation mechanism to block PREFETCH-based side-channel attacks. Experimental results confirm that this mechanism introduces negligible performance overhead ≤1.5 under normal conditions and successfully defends against attacks even under high workloads.
Key words:  Hidden instructions  Instruction behavior analysis  Hardware performance counter