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关键词:  处理器  微架构  瞬态攻击  防御方法
Survey of Methods for Defending Against Transient Exe-cution Attacks on Processor Microarchitectures
KE Qian1, wangbo2, qiupengfei3, wangchunlu3, ligen2, tangyuxing2
(1.Phytium Technology Co., Ltd;2.Phytium Technology Co., Ltd.;3.Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications)
Transient execution attacks exploit the speculative execution features of processors to leak sensitive information, posing a widespread impact on modern processors, especially high-performance ones. The reason is that the processor, under specific circumstances (such as branch prediction errors, pipeline exceptions, etc.), will trigger a transient win-dow due to pipeline fallback. The attacker uses this window to access and encode secret information into the micro-architecture state. Since the state is not cleared when the pipeline falls back, secret information can be stolen through the side channel. There are many forms of attacks in transient execution attacks, including Spectre, Meltdown vul-nerabilities, and various variants. To counter these covert attacks, academia and industry have come up with a range of defense strategies. These strategies are designed to harden systems at both the software and hardware levels, guarding against the potential threats of transient execution attacks. This paper conducts an in-depth investigation into various defense measures against transient execution attacks at both the software and hardware levels and discusses the prin-ciples and variations of different defense measures. Starting from the perspective of defense design, the paper first introduces the basic design of processor microarchitecture and the attack process of transient execution attacks. Then, at the software level, the software defense strategies in different scenarios were analyzed, and the software defense measures were classified according to the different levels of deployment, and the basic principles of these defense measures and different variants of some defense measures were analyzed. Then, at the hardware level, analyze how to design and adjust different components of the processor microarchitecture for different steps of the attack, and analyze the basic principles and methods of design and adjustment strategies for different microarchitecture components at the hardware level. Finally, this paper discusses the characteristics of existing software and hardware defense measures and potential future research directions.
Key words:  processor  microarchitecture  transient execution attack  defense method