  • 张艳硕,周幸妤,孔佳音,杨亚涛,徐津.星地链路场景下双阶段匿名跨域认证方案[J].信息安全学报,已采用    [点击复制]
  • Zhang Yanshuo,Zhou Xingyu,Kong Jiaying,Yang Yatao,Xu Jin.A Two-stage Anonymous Cross-domain Authentication Scheme for Star-ground Links[J].Journal of Cyber Security,Accept   [点击复制]
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张艳硕, 周幸妤, 孔佳音, 杨亚涛, 徐津
关键词:  星地链路  匿名凭证  身份认证  区块链
A Two-stage Anonymous Cross-domain Authentication Scheme for Star-ground Links
Zhang Yanshuo, Zhou Xingyu, Kong Jiaying, Yang Yatao, Xu Jin
(Beijing Electronic Science and Technology Institute)
In order to solve the inefficiency of user authentication caused by frequent switching of star-ground links in satellite networks as well as possible security risks such as identity leakage and man-in-the-middle attacks, this paper proposes a two-stage anonymous cross-domain authentication scheme. In the cross-domain authentication phase, the user is anonymously authenticated by chameleon signature technology. The signature scheme can realize fast and secure authentication between the user and the satellite network under the premise of guaranteeing identity privacy, and effectively circumvents the authentication interruption problem caused by link switching. In addition, the linear encryption public key ensures the security and validity of the data exchange process. In the credential authentication stage, the multi-attribute aggregation function of anonymous credentials is utilized to further satisfy the user's requirements for diversified service needs. Through this function, users are able to obtain the requested data or services without disclosing sensitive information, realizing efficient and secure data access. This stage of authentication not only ensures the privacy of user identity, but also improves the efficiency of user request processing and reduces the waste of resources due to repeated authentication. Through the security and performance analysis, the two-stage authentication system proposed in this paper has obvious advantages. On the one hand, compared with the traditional single-stage authentication, the two-stage authentication scheme in different communication states can significantly reduce the duplicate computation and resource occupation in the authentication process, thus improving the overall system performance. On the other hand, the scheme can effectively meet the demand for two-way authentication in satellite networks and prevent common security threats such as identity leakage and man-in-the-middle attacks. The performance test results show that compared with the existing schemes, this paper's scheme can significantly reduce the computation and communication overhead on the basis of ensuring security, and has better overall performance.
Key words:  star-ground link  anonymous credentials  authentication  blockchain