  • 孙晴,肖扬,许丽丽,孙天琦,霍玮.开源漏洞补丁管理现状与识别技术研究综述[J].信息安全学报,已采用    [点击复制]
  • SUN Qing,XIAO Yang,XU Lili,SUN Tianqi,HUO Wei.A Survey on Vulnerability Patch Management and Patch Identification Techniques in Open-Source Software[J].Journal of Cyber Security,Accept   [点击复制]
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孙晴1, 肖扬1, 许丽丽2, 孙天琦1, 霍玮1
关键词:  漏洞补丁  补丁识别技术  漏洞数据库  补丁数据集
A Survey on Vulnerability Patch Management and Patch Identification Techniques in Open-Source Software
SUN Qing1, XIAO Yang1, XU Lili2, SUN Tianqi1, HUO Wei1
(1.Institute of Information Engineering;2.个人)
With the increasing complexity of open-source software ecosystems, software vulnerabilities have intensified the security challenges in software supply chains. As crucial information carriers for vulnerability remediation, patches not only directly serve vulnerability fixes but also form the fundamental basis for multiple security tasks, including vulnerability detection and patch transplantation. This paper systematically investigates and analyzes patch collection and management in vulnerability databases while summarizing and evaluating the development trajectory and identification capabilities of current automated vulnerability patch identification techniques. First, we introduce OCVP-DB, a novel standardized dataset focusing on patch completeness. This dataset encompasses four programming languages, with over 70% of vulnerability patches comprising multiple commits. Subsequently, we conduct a comprehensive analysis of mainstream vulnerability databases, open-source patch datasets, and patch identification techniques. Furthermore, we perform quantitative evaluations of these three aspects: patch collection and management status in mainstream vulnerability databases, the accuracy of existing open-source patch datasets, and the effectiveness of representative patch identification techniques. Experimental results reveal that nearly 80% of vulnerability entries in databases lack patch information, and existing patch datasets show significant limitations in coverage and timeliness, exemplified by VulasDB's patch commit completeness being below 40%. Regarding patch identification techniques, information correlation-based matching methods demonstrate superior performance in highly standardized projects, with multi-source information approaches achieving 68.85% precision and 55.99% recall. In contrast, model-ranking-based methods achieve a recall rate of only 23.10% even under optimal conditions. This research not only systematically summarizes the current technological landscape but also provides crucial insights for improving patch identification techniques and constructing more comprehensive patch datasets through extensive evaluation. Finally, based on the identified research gaps, we present perspectives on future trends and potential research directions in patch identification technology.
Key words:  Security Patches  Patch Identification Techniques  Vulnerability Databases  Patch Dataset