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(海南大学 网络空间安全学院 海口 中国 570228;国家计算机网络入侵防范中心 中国科学院大学 北京 中国 101408)
关键词:  大语言模型  人工智能安全  隐私安全  防御措施
Received:March 31, 2024Revised:May 31, 2024
Challenges and Opportunities of Large Language Model Security
FU Zhiyuan,CHEN Siyu,CHEN Junfan,HAI Xiang,SHI Yansong,LI Xiaoqi,LI Yihong,YUE Qiuling,ZHANG Yuqing
College of Cyberspace Security, Hainan University, Haikou 570228, China;National Computer Network Intrusion Protection Center, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 101408, China
The technological advancements of large language models have not only accelerated the rapid development of the field of artificial intelligence but also brought unprecedented security challenges. The efficiency of large language models in handling tasks such as natural language understanding and generation has led to their widespread application in various industries, including automated customer service, content creation, sentiment analysis, medical diagnosis, financial analysis, and legal consultation. However, with the deepening of these applications, the security threats faced by large language models have become increasingly apparent, such as malicious use to generate false information, privacy leakage issues, and problems of bias and unfairness in the models. This paper explores the security challenges of large language models in depth and analyzes how these models can be used to enhance traditional security methods. First, we comprehensively analyze papers in this field published at international academic conferences and journals in recent years, providing a detailed summary and synthesis. Then, we analyze the security issues faced by large language models and existing solutions from three perspectives: data and privacy protection, law and ethics, and attacks and defenses. We also summarize a series of application cases of large language models in traditional security fields, including cybersecurity, physical security, and information security. Furthermore, we investigate and summarize the latest attempts by domestic and international enterprises in the field of large language models, where many companies are actively exploring how to empower actual security businesses with large language models. Finally, we discuss the challenges and opportunities faced and propose feasible strategies and recom-mendations to address these issues. Through this in-depth analysis, we hope to raise public and industry awareness of the security issues of large language models and provide directions and insights for future research and applications, promoting the entire industry towards a safer and more reliable direction.
Key words:  large language models  AI security  privacy & security  defensive techniques