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(网络空间安全学院 哈尔滨工业大学 哈尔滨 中国 150001)
关键词:  异常检测  多维时间序列  关系挖掘  注意力  机器学习
Received:October 28, 2022Revised:December 13, 2022
Relation Mining and Attention Based Anomaly Detection for Multivariate Time Series
HU Zhichao,YU Xiangzhan,LIU Likun,ZHANG Yu,YU Haining
School of Cyberspace Science, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China
In the current era of information technology, anomaly detection of multivariate time series is widely used for status monitoring and data analysis in scenarios such as cloud servers, online services, system logs, industrial IoT and intelligent transportation. Compared to single dimensional time series, multivariate time series are more in line with the actual scenario requirements. For example, the key performance indicators of cloud servers, including CPU, memory, disk IO and network traffic information, all reflect the system status from different perspectives and have a relationship with each other. However, traditional anomaly detection methods do not sufficiently consider such influential relationships or are difficult to efficiently mine the implicit relationships between sequences, posing a challenge for the application of traditional methods in multivariate time series. To addresses these limitations, this paper proposes TSAN, an anomaly detection method based on relation mining and attention mechanism. The method first introduces an end-to-end sequence relation mining method. It mines the relation between sequences through the similarity of node embedding and graph structure, and combines top-k and threshold mechanisms to prune the relationship graph to ensure its simplicity, followed by using causal inference to generate the causal graph of sequences as mask layer to improve the interpretability and effectiveness. TSAN then designs a temporal-spatial attention network using a joint attention mechanism to handle the mixed contexts for multivariate timeseries prediction after relation mining. Finally, an automatic calculation method for anomaly threshold is designed to reduce the hyper-parameter settings in multivariate time series scenarios. Besides, TSAN introduces the maximum anomaly tolerance rate to reduce the influence of anomalous data and improves the robustness. From the experimental results, it can be seen that TSAN achieves the best F1 score on the MSL and SMD datasets, with an improvement of 0.9% (MSL) and 2.3% (SMD) respectively compared to the sub-optimal methods and has the smallest cross-dataset performance fluctuations among all the compared methods, indicating that TSAN is effective and stable for anomaly detection of multivariate time series.
Key words:  anomaly detection  multivariate time series  relation mining  attention  machine learning