引用本文: |
徐艳云,张萌,黄伟庆.信息设备电磁辐射信息泄漏的可检测距离估计方法研究[J].信息安全学报,2020,5(1):44-56 [点击复制]
- XU Yanyun,ZHANG Meng,HUANG Weiqing.Study on detectable distance for electromagnetic information leakage of information equipment[J].Journal of Cyber Security,2020,5(1):44-56 [点击复制]
摘要: |
信息设备在工作过程中会产生电磁辐射,通过截获电磁辐射信号可重建信息设备中正在处理的有用信息,这给信息安全带来了巨大风险。本文从信息设备电磁辐射的可检测距离来估计信息设备电磁信息泄漏风险,结合理论和实验分析,从辐射泄漏源、电磁环境信道以及接收设备三个方面,分析了信息设备电磁辐射泄漏可检测距离的影响因素,提出了一种信息设备电磁辐射信息泄漏的可检测距离估计方法。并以传真机为实例,利用本文所提方法估计了使用现场环境下传真机的电磁辐射可检测距离。本方法充分考虑各信息设备电磁泄漏特征和环境的差异,适用于不同信息设备、不同使用现场环境下,对可检测距离的合理估计,从而避免对信息设备的过防护和欠防护。 |
关键词: 电磁安全 信息泄漏 电磁辐射 泄漏发射 可检测距离 |
DOI:10.19363/J.cnki.cn10-1380/tn.2020.01.05 |
投稿时间:2018-03-06修订日期:2018-06-23 |
基金项目:本课题得到国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.61601460)资助。 |
Study on detectable distance for electromagnetic information leakage of information equipment |
XU Yanyun, ZHANG Meng, HUANG Weiqing
(Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, China) |
Abstract: |
Information equipment is accompanied with electromagnetic radiation as it works. The radiation brings electromagnetic interference and risks of information leakage. In this paper, based on the theoretical and experimental analysis, the influences of electromagnetic radiating source, environment channel and capability of available receiving devices are discussed. The estimation method of detectable distance for electromagnetic compromising emanation of information equipment is proposed. As an example, the detectable distance of facsimile is estimated using this method. Considering electromagnetic leakage feature and environment, the method is suitable for different information equipments and environment to estimate the detectable distance properly. The over protection and owe protection of information equipment can be avoided. |
Key words: electromagnetic security information leakage electromagnetic radiation compromising emanation detectable distance |